Hi, I'm Matthew Leyburn.

About me

Hi, my name is Matthew Leyburn. I graduated from Queen's University Belfast in July 2021 with a first class honours degree in Computer Science. I'm am currently a Software Engineer at Magnify . I am passionate about developing quality software and enjoy breaking down complex problems into intuitive designs and/or solving them with a technical solution (and also playing the guitar).

What I can do

These are some technologies I have experience with through work experience, university and personal projects


Javascript logo
Typescript logo
Python logo
PHP logo
Java logo

Web dev

HTML5 logo
CSS3 logo
React logo
Gatsby logo
Next JS logo
Jest logo
Tailwind CSS logo


Firebase logo
MongoDB logo
MySQL logo
Node JS logo
Netlify logo
Express logo


AWS logo
Lambda logo
Azure logo


Docker logo
Rancher logo
Kubernetes logo
Travis CI logo


Adobe Illustror logo
Adobe XD logo
Adobe Photoshop logo

Writing and Speaking



Improving the online shopping experience with ONNX

This session outlines key learnings from deploying a Serverless application using ONNX Runtime, and will share how to utilize the capabilities of ONNX runtime to improve the online shopping experience for shoppers and global brands.

See talk


7 Lessons I’ve Learnt From Deploying Machine Learning Models Using ONNX

A great way to build once and deploy everywhere

See post


The ever-changing landscape of voice technology

“Hey Siri, show me an amazing speech recognition article”

See post


Find your Best Solution: Speech to Text

Implementing speech capabilities into a business or a product is a popular and beneficial addition these days, but how do you choose the best one for your use case? This is the problem I’ve been trying to solve.

See post